Quote of the Week: REPEAT! “Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” ~Carl Bard
Coordinator’s Message: REPEAT! I love the message of the quote above. All is never lost. Anyone can pick themselves up and begin again, thus constructing a new ending. As we approach the end of the school year, let us take a moment to reflect on how we would like to finish new. For some of us, it will mean making adjustments academically, challenging ourselves to commit to more productive study and work habits. For some of us, it will mean making adjustments socially, challenging ourselves to prioritize, to apologize, to forgive, to make amends. And for the rest of us, it will mean a little of both. Good luck, finish strong, end new!
Senior Awards Night: Senior Awards Night is this Thursday, May 22, 2014 at 6:00 pm in the Big Gym. This is truly a lovely event where many of our seniors are honored by their teachers, counselors, and administrators for their outstanding work this year. The Magnet’s Parents Association will also be honoring three students each with a $500.00 scholarship that night, so Seniors, please make arrangements to attend, and bring your loved ones along!
Magnet Parents Association 2014 Senior Scholarship: Thank you to all who submitted an essay for the 2014 Magnet Parents Association Senior Scholarship! The winners have been chosen and will be announced at Senior Awards Night this Thursday. All seniors should attend this event!
COREbaby College Survey: Seniors, please take a few moments to complete the following SURVEY. This information is extremely important to our ability to recruit students, make adjustments to the program where necessary, and create networking opportunities between current students and alumni. Please note that this SURVEY is done in addition to the survey you will be completing for Ms. Drell. Thank you for your time!
Book Bundle Fundraiser: Book bundles are now on sale! Complete the appropriate form and return it to the Magnet Office ASAP. A limited amount of bundles will be available at a first-come, first serve basis. If you are interested in obtaining a Book Bundle, but need more time to turn in your money, see Ms. Macon ASAP!
Parent Survey: In an effort to continually improve the Magnet program, we are also asking for parent feedback. Please complete this brief survey about your experiences in the Magnet (specifically CORE) THIS year. Your responses are essential to the continued development of our program, and your participation is much appreciated! If you have children in different grade levels, you may complete the survey for both grades. Please complete the survey by Wednesday, June 4, 2014.
Named 2014 National Magnet School of Distinction: Congratulations to teachers, students, parents, administration, and community partners! For the second year in a row, Magnet Schools of America has honored Cleveland Humanities Magnet. This year, our program has been given the 2014 National Magnet School of Distinction Award. There is no place like Core!
Explore Ecuador and the Galapagos in the Summer of 2015: Don’t miss the ONLY trip 2015 to the Galapagos Island! Walk in the footsteps of Darwin as we tour the Galapagos Islands and spend time in mainland Ecuador learning about the local culture and colonial history. Trip includes stops in Quito – Ecuador’s capital city and world cultural heritage site. We then turn our attention to the Galapagos and travel by boat between Santa Cruz, Isabela, and Floreana islands – observing some of the same species Darwin observed in his time aboard the H.M.S. Beagle. In Otavalo, students will take in the natural beauty of the landscape and experience the culture of the Andes. This trip should not be missed! Mrs. Wareham will be managing this trip – for more information head to B7! Sign up early to receive great discounts! Go to https://www.eftours.com to sign up now and start your low, interest-free payments. Use EF Tours Tour Number 1497851 to sign up.
Stay In the Loop: The new and improved Cleveland High School Humanities Facebook page is up and running. Go to https://www.facebook.com/ClevelandHumanitiesMagnet to get all the latest news and see great photos of you and your friends.
Relive the Magic: Have you seen the pics from COREchella 2014 yet? Click HERE to see all of the amazing pics and then download your favorites. Also, if you have not purchased your COREchella 2014 t-shirt yet, there is still time. COREchella 2014 t-shirts are now ON SALE for $12. Bring cash or checks made payable to “Cleveland High School Booster Club” to the Magnet Office. If you ask nicely, maybe some of our talented performers, including Mr. Posito, will sign it for you!
COREture Anyone?: Just in time for the brisk winter weather, (whenever it arrives) we have our fabulous line of sweats, sweatshirts, and V-necks! Sweats are $20, Sweatshirts are $25 (white soup can) or $15 (retro red soup can), and V-necks are $15 0r 2 for $25. Get em’ while you can!
Clean Up After Yourselves: Please do your part to keep our learning environment and other areas on campus clean. Pick up your trash, recycle where possible, and remind your friends to do the same! Thank you!
CORE Water Bottles: Did you know that the class of 2015 won an award based on the PSA they created about water conservation for the Water Conference? As a result of their fabulous work, we have purchased CORE water bottles, for sale in the Magnet Office. Do your part by using a refillable water bottle, CORE-themed or otherwise and help sustain the environment.
Caught Having Spirit: REMEMBER to show your school spirit every Friday by wearing your Core or Cleveland gear, and if I or a member of the COREdinators sees you, you will be entered to win great monthly prizes. We will be awarding three spirited Corebabies with $10.00 gift cards at the last Coredinator’s meeting of the year, which is Friday, May 30th. Come to say goodbye to our seniors and see how how you can get involved next year!
Naviance: Students, be sure to log-in to your Naviance accounts and explore all that this online college admissions advisor can offer you as you prepare for college and university! We will be phasing this program out next year, so utilize it while you can.
Cavalier News: Please visit www.clevelandhs.org for important schoolwide info!
Corebaby Email: Be sure to check your Corebaby email address EVERYDAY for important updates! If you use another email address as your primary email address, you can forward your Corebaby emails to that address so that you don’t miss anything!
Got Suggestions???: As the 2013-2014 school year comes to a close, we want to know if you have suggestions for improving the program. Click HERE to submit your suggestions.
(Coordinator’s Corner last updated May 18, 2014 @ 1:00 p.m. by Ms. Macon)