Coordinator's Corner Weekly Announcements

Weekly Announcements (October 6-10):

Quote of the Week: “If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have the time to do it over?” ~John Wooden



Coordinator’s Message:  Second quarter grades are due this Thursday, October 9th.  That means you have just over ten weeks left to shore up your final marks for your transcript.  It is very important that you assess your performance up to this point and make decisions about how to proceed.  Ask yourself: Am I managing my time appropriately? Do I need to make changes to my after school  routine so that I can be more successful? If so, what changes should I make?  For establishing a good afterschool routine, experts suggest:

1) figuring out a process that works for you. Some students work better starting homework right when they get home; others, need a short break to rejuvenate. Having a regularly scheduled time for doing homework may help orient you to a specific way of doing things and getting them done successfully. Consistency is critical if you want to make a habit stick.

2) designating a specific place for doing homework. Possibilities are the kitchen table, a desk, or on the bed. Make sure there is plenty of light and no distractions. Stock the  area with all of the necessary supplies, such as pens, pencils, paper, a calculator and any other supplies that you might need to complete your assignments.

3) talking through your assignments with family members to ensure understanding. Perhaps have a snack while talk to a parent or sibling, look for papers that need your parent’s signature, and note upcoming school events or due dates on your calendar.

4) keeping disruptions to a minimum. Turn off the television and any other electronic devices that might be a distraction. Use Facebook, Twitter, and other modes of social media as rewards for competing assignments.

5) packing all materials into your backpack after homework is completed. This will help ensure that you have everything you need for the next day, including any papers sent home for a parent’s signature, your lunch or money, and other essential items.

Maybe it is not your after school routine, but rather your social life that needs adjusting. Ask yourself, how does my social life impact my academic life? What changes can I make to my social life, so that I am prioritizing my school responsibilities? Once you answer these questions, take the steps to implement the necessary changes.  And don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it! Your teachers and I are here to assist you.



Rite of Passage:  On behalf of the sophomores, juniors, seniors, and CORE teachers, I would like to wish the 9th graders “Good Luck” on their first IUE this Friday, October 10th!  We are all rooting for you!



CORE Experience for Parents:  Encourage your parents to walk a day (or night) in your shoes and attend CORE Experience for Parents on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at 7:00 PM.  You must turn in a tear-off to the appropriate teacher or they can click HERE to register.



COREdinators:  Our next meeting will be held Friday, October 10th in the E10.  See you there!



Early Dismissal: The next early dismissal Tuesday is October 14th.  The school day ends at 1:34 PM. Please plan accordingly.



Magnet Parents Association:  SPREAD THE WORD…The next MPA meeting of the year is Wednesday, October 15th at 7:00 p.m. in the E10. Please encourage your parents to stay “in the loop” and attend this very important meeting.  All parents welcome!



PSAT:  Cleveland will administer the PSAT on Wednesday, October 15, 2014. This will be a “reverse minimum day.” The PSAT will take place on Wednesday, October 15 from 7:57-10:56 AM.

  • 12th grade students who have signed up for the Senior Movie Morning should report to the MPR;
  • 12th grade students who are not participating in the Senior Social should report to the Gym;
  • 11th grade students who did not sign up for the PSAT should report to the Gym;
  • 11th grade students who signed up for the PSAT should report to their testing rooms;
  • 10th grade students are all taking the test and should report to their assigned testing rooms;
  • 9th grade students who did not sign up for the PSAT should report to the Gym;
  • 9th grade students who signed up for the PSAT should report to their testing rooms;

The bell schedule for the “reverse minimum day” on Wednesday, October 15 is as follows:

0 Period 7:00-7:50 AM
PSAT 7:57-10:56 AM (students should report to specific places as indicated above)
Nutrition 10:56-11:16 AM
Per. 1 11:22-11:48 AM
Per. 2 11:54 AM-12:25 PM
Per. 3 12:31-12:57 PM
Lunch 12:57-1:27 PM
Per. 4 1:33-1:59 PM
Per. 5 2:05-2:31 PM
Per. 6 2:37-3:04 PM



Magnet Tours:  Magnet Tours are underway!  Please be on your best behavior, keep the halls and outer areas clean, and show our prospective freshmen that “there is no place like CORE!”



Calling All Performers:  The Music Center is hosting a series of classes for high school students in the arts called, Spotlight.  Spotlight is a nationally-acclaimed scholarship and arts training program for high school students in the performing and visual arts.  It is free to apply. Go to for more information and to apply to this fantastic program.



An Exciting Opportunity from MIT:  The first of its kind on a national scale, INSPIRE, a new national research competition in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, organized by MIT students exclusively for high school students enables students to showcase and present original research in one of thirteen fields, ranging from anthropology to music, economics, and philosophy. Expert judges will award prizes for the most outstanding work in each category. You are invited to participate by submitting entries and competing for awards. The final round of the competition will be held at MIT’s campus in Cambridge, MA from April 7-9, 2015. You can find information regarding deadlines, eligibility criteria, and the application itself on their website  The first deadline, for abstract submission, is on January 7, 2015.



Lunch Applications:  Please do your part and complete a 2014-2015 Meal Application.  Even if you don’t think you will qualify or don’t want to receive tickets, you still must complete an application.  We suggest completing it online, if you haven’t already.  Click HERE for instructions.




The Writer’s Block:  Did you know we have a literary magazine on campus called The Writer’s Block? They meet Tuesday at lunch in F5.  The editors are currently taking submissions of short stories, fan fiction, screenplays, essays, poetry, rants, comics, drawing, and photography.  Submit your work to



Models of Pride: Join GSA and others from around the city for Models of Pride, which will take place on Saturday, October 11th at USC.  The all-day youth conference celebrates and empowers LGBTQA youth and features more than 100 workshops, as well as dynamic performers, speakers, entertainers, and a DJ dance party! Don’t miss out on this fabulous event!



Do You Have a Cav Card?: Show your Cavalier pride by attending sporting events and school activities. By purchasing a Cav Card at the Student Store for $25 (Cash Only), you will get into football and basketball games for free and get exclusive discounts on school activities, including the Homecoming Dance.



CORE Representatives Needed: Thank you Valerie Nguyen, Douglas Dean, Shannon Wolfsbauer, and Alyssa Himeno for representing Cleveland at Monroe’s “Meet the Magnets” Night!  We are in need of strong, enthusiastic, outgoing students who love CORE to represent us.  We are looking for students of all grade levels who attended Walter Reed Middle School at the “Meet the High Schools” night at Walter Reed MS on October 22nd from 6-8. Please email Ms. Macon if you are interested.



Tutoring Available:  The Boys and Girls Club of the West Valley is offering free tutoring Monday-Thursday in our school library from 3:00-5:00 pm.  They also offer college admissions workshops.  One of the tutors is a CORE alumnus. Come to the Magnet Office to register.



Agendas and COREture:  We have CORE agendas available in the Magnet Office for $5.00. Also, don’t forget to get your COREture gear– T-shirts, sweatpants, sweatshirts at great prices! All proceeds go to the program!



Book Bundles:  There are still 9th and 11th Grade Book Bundles available.  Having your own copy of the books we are using  is an invaluable tool and all proceeds go back to the program. Come to the Magnet Office for an order form.



Important College News for All:  Have you visited the Career and College Office website?  It is an incredibly useful resource as you begin the college admissions journey in the ninth grade.  Be sure to bookmark the calendar as there are important dates to note. Go to to check it out.



Spirit Fridays!: Remember to wear your CORE t-shirt (or any Cleveland t-shirt) for a chance to win a gift card to one of many fabulous establishments!



Corebaby Email: Be sure to check your Corebaby email address EVERYDAY for important updates!  If you use another email address as your primary email address, you can forward your Corebaby emails to that address so that you don’t miss anything! See Mr. Saavedra if you have questions.



Forgot Your Corebaby Email Password?:  You can retrieve it, but it will cost you a dollar.  Go to Mr. Saavedra in E7 for information, but don’t go empty handed.



Cavalier News: Have you seen Cleveland’s new website?  Go to to check it and get important schoolwide info!



Got Suggestions???: As we begin planning for the 2014-2015 school year, we want to hear from you! What suggestions do have for improving the program? Go to the Home Page and click the icon to submit your suggestions.


Clean Up After Yourselves:  Please do your part to keep your learning environment and other areas on campus clean.  Pick up your trash, recycle where possible, and remind your friends to do the same! I do not want see your trash left on the floors for someone else to clean up. Thank you!


(Coordinator’s Corner last updated October 5, 2014 @ 8:00 PM by Ms. Macon)