Magnet Selection Priority Point System

The priority point system for Magnets is based upon the Court-Ordered program to reduce the harms of racial isolation (see General Program Information). Once information on the application is verified, the District’s Information Technology Division (ITD), through a computer process, automatically assigns priority points to each applicant. Points will be assigned based on the information in the District’s computer system as the date of application processing.

Students are randomly accepted into Magnet programs based on the number of points they have. The number of students selected is based on the number of available spaces at a particular school. Any student who sent in an on-time application, but was not selected, is placed on a waiting list at the school.


Points Rationale
12 MATRICULATION Applicants who have completed one level in a Magnet Program and apply to continue in the Magnet Program at the next level, receive 12 matriculation points. These points are assigned for one year only at the time of matriculation. Students currently enrolled in multi-level Magnet Schools (Los Angeles CES, Sherman Oaks CES, and Valley Alternative) do not receive matriculation points. Arroyo Seco Museum Science, 32nd St./USC Performing Arts and Westside Global awareness Magnets are K-8 and receive matriculation points only at the eighth grade.
4-12 WAITING LIST Applicants who have been on a valid on-time Magnet waiting list and are not already enrolled in a Magnet Program will receive 4 points for the 2016-2017 school year. Applicants may also receive 4 points for each of the two consecutive previous years (2015-2016 and 2014-2015), up to a maximum of 12 points. Applicants currently enrolled in a Magnet Program are not eligible to accumulate waiting list points when applying for another Magnet Program.
5 PREDOMINANTLY HISPANIC, BLACK, ASIAN AND OTHER NON-ANGLO (PHBAO) SCHOOLS Applicants whose resident LAUSD school is designated as PHBAO by the District, receive 4 points. Points are not cumulative; they are assigned yearly.
4 OVERCROWDED Applicants whose resident LAUSD school is designated as overcrowded by District criteria, and is currently sending Capacity Adjustment Program (CAP) students or is on a Concept 6 calendar, receive 4 points. Points are not cumulative; they are assigned yearly.
3 SIBLING If an applicant is applying to the same Magnet School in which a brother or sister will be continuing, he/she receives 3 points. Siblings must reside at the same address at the time of application.



  • Each Magnet’s openings are determined by the need to maintain a racially balanced enrollment and by available space.
  • Applicants currently enrolled in one Magnet Program and accepted into another will be automatically dropped from the current Magnet Program.
  • Students may be contacted regarding an opening up through the first month of school.
  • If an applicant declines Magnet placement, all waiting list points are removed.
  • Should an applicant leave a Magnet Program before completing the culminating grade, no matriculation points will be assigned.
  • There are no points given for submitting an application, for applying to a program for which the applicant is ineligible, or for which the application is late.
  • Students who apply for the same grade twice will not earn waiting list points for the previous year.
  • The Magnet Office is NOT responsible for lost applications.

Late Applications

No points will be assigned to late applications. Late applicants who wish to be considered should there be space available, need to apply to or submit a late application to Student Integration Services:

333 South Beaudry Avenue, 25th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017.
Late applications are NOT accepted for the NCLB-Public School Choice.

Erroneous Applications

Applicants who make an error on their application will be mailed a correction letter in February. Applicants who do not correct the information and return the letter to the Student Integration Services by the deadline will not receive points. There are no points given for submitting an application, or for applying to a program for which the applicant is ineligible.

Magnet Decline Rule

If an applicant declines Magnet placement, all waiting list points are removed. Should an applicant leave a Magnet Program before the culminating grade, no matriculation points will be assigned.