Parent Correspondence Protocol

Our protocol is that parents discuss issues in the classroom with the teacher first. Going directly to the teacher is a much more effective approach as it gives teachers the opportunity to clarify any misunderstandings that may be taking place between students and teachers and creates more accountability as teachers have had a chance to speak to parents one on one. Teachers generally respond to emails within 48 hours (not including weekends and holidays). If you don’t find satisfaction at this level, then please follow the guidelines below:

Regarding CORE Classes:

If your child is having an issue in a CORE class, please contact the teacher directly, either by email or phone (see our faculty directory for contact information).

If you do not find satisfaction, email/call the grade level coordinator.

9th Grade Coordinators:

Grace Kim-Oh

Marisa Del Pino

10th Grade Coordinator:

Olivier Demail

11th Grade Coordinator:

Tony Saavedra

12th Grade Coordinator:

Rebecca Williams

If the issue is still not resolved, then email/call the Magnet Coordinator, Jennifer Macon,

If the issue is still not resolved, then call the Assistant Principal, Terry Sciarrino, (818) 885-2300


Regarding Non-CORE Classes:

If your child is having an issue in a non-CORE class, please contact the teacher directly, either by email or phone (see our faculty directory or for contact information).

If you do not find satisfaction, email/call your child’s counselor.

Lori Howe (9th Grade & 10-12th Grades A-K)

Dan Wasserman (10-12th Grades L-Z)

If the issue is still not resolved, email/call the Magnet Coordinator, Jennifer Macon,

If the issue is still not resolved, then call the Assistant Principal, Terry Sciarrino, (818) 885-2300


Regarding Academic Behavior or Peer-Group Concerns:

If your child is having an issue with academic behavior, please email/call your child’s counselor.

Lori Howe (9th Grade & 10-12th Grades A-K)

Dan Wasserman (10-12th Grades L-Z)

If the issue is still not resolved, email/call the Magnet Coordinator, Jennifer Macon,

If the issue is still not resolved, then call the Assistant Principal, Terry Sciarrino, (818) 885-2300


Regarding Discipline:

If your child is having an issue with discipline, please call:

The Dean’s Office (818) 885- 2322

Mr. Orellana (818) 885-2361

Mr. Goodman (818) 885-2391

If the issue is not resolved, call Assistant Principal, John Ford, (818) 885-2300.


Regarding the District:

If you have an issue with the District, it is always better to act as a collective group, so before you contact them directly, please email/call the Magnet Coordinator, Jennifer Macon, and she will direct you further.