Quote of the Week: “The really important kind of freedom involves attention, and awareness, and discipline, and effort, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them, over and over, in myriad petty little ways, every day.” ~David Foster Wallace
Coordinator’s Message: Each month of the year commemorates a new culture, campaign, and issue to celebrate, recognize, or fight for, and sometimes more than one. Among several others, the month of October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As some of you know, two years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer, so I have been particularly breast cancer aware. But I have given a lot of thought to the meaning of “awareness,” and I have come to believe that awareness is more than just knowing something exists. In order for it to mean anything, awareness must be more of a verb than a noun. Otherwise, what’s the point. I would like to encourage all of you, regardless of the issue, to commit yourselves to having awareness that is active. Ask questions; research and learn; encourage your friends and family; change your behaviors; and most importantly, make your awareness habitual, part of your routine. For more information about breast cancer, you can go to www.nationalbreastcancer.org and www.breastcancer.org. Thank you again for all of your love and support!
Penny Wars: Speaking of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we have resurrected the Penny Wars! Yes, the Penny War is on! This is a great fundraiser for an even greater cause. For the month of October, there will be plastic bottles for each grade level where you can deposit coins and bills. For every penny you deposit into your own bottle your grade receives a point. For every other type coin and bill deposited, points will be deducted as follows:
Nickels- 5 deducted points
Dime- 10 deducted points
Quarters- 25 deducted points
$1 bill- 100 deducted points
$5 bill- 500 deducted points
The goal is to collect as many points as possible, which can done by putting a lot of pennies in your own bottle and by putting a lot of bills and other coins in other grade’s bottles. Each person in the winning grade level will get $5 in COREbucks to be used on any item in COREstore, and a big poster will be displayed in E-hall declaring them the winner of Penny Wars. And all the money raised will go to the American Cancer Society!
NORTHERN CALIFORNIA COLLEGE TOUR: We will be driving up the coast of California for our annual Northern California College Trip on November 19-21st to visit UCSB, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo or UC Santa Cruz (weather-permitting), UC Berkeley, Sonoma St., San Francisco University, and Stanford. The cost of the trip is $350 and is due along with the Registration and Liability Release forms to the Magnet Office no later than October 27th. Make checks payable to “Cleveland High School Booster Club” and denote in the memo line the student’s name and “College Trip.” Click the links to download the Northern California Trip Flyer and the Registration and Liability forms. This is a trip for seniors and juniors ONLY, and will be on a first-come, first-serve basis, until we reach 50 students. After we reach 50 students, there will be a wait-list. To secure your spot, you must have all forms and your check turned in beginning Tuesday, October 17th.
Early Dismissal Tuesday: The next Early Dismissal Tuesday will be Tuesday, October 17th at 1:34 p.m. Please plan accordingly.
MIT INSPIRE: The first of its kind on a national scale, INSPIRE enables students to showcase and present original research in one of thirteen fields: political science; history; cultural studies; economics; women’s and gender studies; literature; music research; media; art and architecture; linguistics;
Tri-CORE-Treat!: You know we love our CORE puns (pun cred to Ms. peroff), so here is one more opportunity to show your CORE love. Dress up in your best CORE-themed costume for a chance to win a $25 gift card to Amazon! Costumes can be literal or metaphoric. They must be appropriate! Come out to the E10 courtyard at nutrition on Tuesday, October 31st. In addition, we will be giving out yummy treats.
CORE Representatives Needed: We are still looking for students from all grade levels, boys and girls, for the following “Meet the High School” events:
Magnet Parents Association: SPREAD THE WORD…The next MPA meeting is Wednesday, October 25th at 7:00 p.m. in the Library. Please encourage your parents to stay “in the loop” and attend this very important meeting. All parents welcome!
Calling All Performers: The Music Center is hosting a series of classes for high school students in the arts called, Spotlight. Spotlight is a nationally-acclaimed scholarship and arts training program for high school students in the performing and visual arts. It is free to apply. Go to https://www.musiccenter.org/education/Students-at-the-Center/Spotlight/ for more information and to apply to this fantastic program.
Magnet Tours: Magnet Tours are in full swing! Please be on your best behavior, keep the halls and outer areas clean, and show our prospective freshmen that “there is no place like CORE!”
Tutoring Available: The Boys and Girls Club of the West Valley is offering free tutoring Monday-Thursday in our school library from 3:00-5:00 pm. They also offer college admissions workshops. One of the tutors is a CORE alumnus. Come to the Magnet Office to register.
COREture: We are selling VINTAGE COREchella t-shirts 2013-2016 for $2.00…THAT’S RIGHT…just $2.00. And we still have COREchella 2017 t0shirts for $10. Come to the Magnet Office at Nutrition or Lunch to get them before they’re gone!
Book Bundles: There are still 9th, 10th, and 11th Grade Book Bundles available. Having your own copy of the books we are using is an invaluable tool and all proceeds go back to the program. Come to the Magnet Office for an order form.
Agendas and COREture: We have CORE agendas available in the Magnet Office for $5.00. Also, don’t forget to get your COREture gear– T-shirts, sweatpants, sweatshirts at great prices! All proceeds go to the program!
Counselor Changes: If your last name begins with A-K grades 9-12, your counselor is Ms. Howe. If your last name begins L-Z, grades 9-11 your counselor is Mr. Wasserman. If your last name is L-Z, grade 12, your counselor is Ms. Morales.
Lunch Applications: In order to attend CORE field trips, you MUST complete a Title I lunch application. Even if you don’t think you will qualify or don’t want to receive tickets, you still must complete an application. We suggest completing it online, if you haven’t already. Click HERE for instructions. Print your confirmation form and bring it to the Magnet Office.
Important College News for All: Have you visited the Career and College Office website? It is an incredibly useful resource as you begin the college admissions journey in the ninth grade. Be sure to bookmark the calendar as there are important dates to note. Go to https://www.careerandcollegeoffice.org/ to check it out.
Spirit Fridays!: Remember to wear your CORE t-shirt (or any Cleveland t-shirt) for a chance to win a gift card to one of many fabulous establishments!
Corebaby Email: Be sure to check your Corebaby email address EVERYDAY for important updates! If you use another email address as your primary email address, you can forward your Corebaby emails to that address so that you don’t miss anything! See Mr. Saavedra if you have questions.
Forgot Your Corebaby Email Password?: You can retrieve it, but it will cost you a dollar. Go to Mr. Saavedra in E10 for information, but don’t go empty handed.
Cavalier News: Have you seen Cleveland’s new website? Go to www.clevelandhs.org to check it and get important schoolwide info!
Got Suggestions???: As we begin the 2017-2018 school year, we want to hear from you! What suggestions do have for improving the program? Go to the Home Page and click the icon to submit your suggestions.
Clean Up After Yourselves: Please do your part to keep your learning environment and other areas on campus clean. Pick up your trash, recycle where possible, and remind your friends to do the same! I do not want see your trash left on the floors for someone else to clean up. Thank you!
(Coordinator’s Corner last updated October 13, 2017 @ 10:00 AM by Ms. Macon)