Weekly Announcements (April 25-29):
Quote of the Week: “Music has always been a matter of Energy to me, a question of Fuel. Sentimental people call it Inspiration, but what they really mean is Fuel. I have always needed Fuel. I am a serious consumer. On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio.” ~ Hunter S. Thompson
Coordinator’s Message: I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for making COREchella 2016 the best COREchella yet! It took over a hundred and fifty volunteers, thousands of collective hours, and of course, a super talented group of performers…Krithika, Elizabeth and Jeo, Bonais, Auria Jordan, Bella Romano, Morgan Knight, and Tres Kings. Playing on the indoor stage starting at 7:00 PM is Yizzle & Devious, Olivia & Nayra, Roscoe, King-Sized Bishop, The Jimbus League, featuring Mr. Posito, Zenith, New Yesterday, Ixaria, and Chris Malcolm. Thank you to our fabulous sponsors… College Made Easy/Sam Mikhail, the Levin Family, Click2Drive, Drivewise, Hamer Toyota, Prime Source, the Assor Family, the Ahn Family, the Denny Family, Life Changer productions, Retsky Insurance, Leah Silbert, Tutor Doctor, the Joffe Family, the Mavromates Family, the Goodman Family, the Cohen Family, Chris & Alicia Czuzak (Class of ‘79), the Brill Family, Corbin Gentle Dental, Gelson’s, 818myhouse, and the Vogel Family. For a complete list of thank yous, click HERE. See you next year!
2016 AP Testing Schedule:
Week 1 | Morning 8 a.m. | Afternoon 12 noon |
Monday, May 2, 2016 |
Chemistry Environmental Science |
Psychology |
Tuesday, May 3, 2016 |
Computer Science A Spanish Language and Culture |
Art History Physics 1: Algebra-Based |
Wednesday, May 4, 2016 |
English Literature and Composition | Physics 2: Algebra-Based |
Thursday, May 5, 2016 |
Calculus AB Calculus BC |
Friday, May 6, 2016 |
United States History | European History |
Studio Art—last day for Coordinators to submit digital portfolios (by 8 p.m. EDT) and to gather 2-D Design and Drawing students for physical portfolio assembly |
The Roundup: Have you seen the latest feature on Corebaby? It’s called The Round Up, a space dedicated to what’s happening at the Land. Is your club planning a special event? Did your team win a game? Have you gotten an award or won a competition? Submit information about your event/recognition by clicking HERE.
Math Tutoring Club: Do you need some extra assistance with Math? Go to G8 at lunch on Mondays for peer assistance.
Magnet Schools of America: Congratulations to our teachers, students, parents, administration, support staff, and community partners! It is my honor to announce that Magnet Schools of America has awarded Cleveland Humanities Magnet with the 2016 Magnet School of Distinction Award. This is the fourth year in a row that we have been recognized by the MSA. There is no place like Core.
Flu Season: Staying healthy this flu season is particularly important to all of us, especially me! Please do your part to keep yourself and our community healthy by doing the following:
- If you are sick with flu-like illness, fever or feeling feverish/chills, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue (tiredness), vomiting and diarrhea, please stay home.
- The CDC recommends that you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone except to get medical care or for other necessities. (Your fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.)
- While sick, limit contact with others as much as possible to keep from infecting them. Please avoid the Magnet Office if this is the case.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand wipes. In fact, keep them in your back pack.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Germs spread this way.
- Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with germs like the flu.
- The CDC strongly recommends getting a flu shot, if possible.
- Also, please avoid the Magnet Office if you are sick. Thank you!
Le Sabre Online: Did you know you can read our school newspaper online? Go to www.lesabre.org to see what our fabulous journalism staff has to say about what’s happening in the world and on our campus.
Book Bundles: There are still 9th, 11th, and 12th grade Book Bundles available. Having your own copy of the books we are using is an invaluable tool and all proceeds go back to the program. Come to the Magnet Office for an order form.
Spirit Fridays!: Remember to wear your CORE t-shirt (or any Cleveland t-shirt) for a chance to win a gift card to iTunes!
COREdinators: Want to be a part of COREchella 2017? Do you have ideas about how to make CORE even better? Are you a freshman looking for ways to be active in your school community? Then join COREdinators, Fridays at lunch in E10!
Corebaby Email: Be sure to check your Corebaby email address EVERYDAY for important updates! If you use another email address as your primary email address, you can forward your Corebaby emails to that address so that you don’t miss anything! See Mr. Saavedra if you have questions.
Forgot Your Corebaby Email Password?: You can retrieve it, but it will cost you a dollar. Go to Mr. Saavedra in E7 for information, but don’t go empty-handed.
Cavalier News: Have you seen Cleveland’s new website? Go to www.clevelandhs.org to check it and get important schoolwide info!
Important College News for All: Have you visited the Career and College Office website? It is an incredibly useful resource as you begin the college admissions journey in the ninth grade. Be sure to bookmark the calendar as there are important dates to note. Go to https://www.careerandcollegeoffice.org/ to check it out.
Clean Up After Yourselves: Please do your part to keep your learning environment and other areas on campus clean. Pick up your trash, recycle where possible, and remind your friends to do the same! I do not want see your trash left on the floors for someone else to clean up. Thank you!
Got Suggestions???: As we wrap up the 2015-2016 school year, we want to hear from you! What suggestions do have for improving the program? Go to the Home Page, Resources (Upper right-hand corner), and click the icon to submit your suggestions.
(Coordinator’s Corner last updated April 25, 2016 @ 5:00 PM by Ms. Macon)